Friday, March 28, 2008

Baby Legs

I love these baby legs! And, since Ashley is so small she can still wear her baby legs. Since we have been home alot with her out of daycare these seem so much easier than having pants on.

Also, notice the total mess that is around her. She is currently into pulling out tons of toys and making a mess of the basement!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Trouble Maker

On Saturday morning we attempted to take Ashley to get her picture taken in her Easter dress. It didn't go so well. She would not hold still and when she held still she wouldn't smile. So we finally got a couple good shots and bought a picture and high tailed it out of there.

Here is a picture of her coming to get me, I think I was trying to pay.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Egg Creations

Friday evening we decided that we would try dying some Easter eggs. You can see that it is much easier to use your hand than that little wand they give you in the box.

And you have to apply the stickers just right.

Here are the finished products.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter

The Easter Bunny made a trip to the Janovich house yesterday. Here are the goodies that he left.

On Saturday we took Ashley to see the Easter Bunny at the mall. She was fine with it, except she didn't want to sit on his lap. She started to cry the minute Shawn lifted her onto his lap. Glad we waited forever to get to the bunny!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

15 Month Update

I took this picture of Ashley while she was watching Shawn walk the dogs out the window. She loves to carry their leashes around and tease them. I can not wait until this kid is big enough to walk them or at least Izzy.
So in all the craziness of the last week and a half, Ashley also had her 15 month checkup. And yes, she is still a squirt! Her height came in at the 50th percentile and her big old head is still in the 75th percentile, but the weight… well let’s just say at 19lbs and 9ozs, she is barely in the 5th percentile.
What does this mean? That Ashley is one active kid who is probably going to be built like her daddy! Oh, and that she still has to sit backwards in the car!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

One Heck of A Week

It has been quite a week at the Janovich house. It has taken me all week to be able to sit down and write about this. It is so upsetting but also very scary. On Monday Shawn got a call from daycare that Ashley's lunch had been a little to hot and that when she touched it she had a little red mark from it. They said that it happened about 45 minutes ago and she had been crying ever since and asked if he or I could come by and try to calm her down. Upon arriving at daycare Shawn saw that what they called a mark was actually a severe burn that covered almost the entirety of Ashley's right hand. Her right hand was totally blistered.
He took her immediately to the dr. Her right hand is covered in a 2nd degree burn. The worst part is that they waited 45 mins to call so even though Shawn's office is close by it was over 1 hour before he got to her and even though her dr's office is close as well it was over 1 1/2 hours probably almost 2 hours before she got medical attention. (There is traffic around here all day every day!)
So, basically, Ashley is without a daycare. We are obviously not taking her back there and since most daycares in this area have a wait list of about 1 year we are not sure what we are going to do.
But the scary part is that this is the daycare where Ashley has been since she was 3 1/2 months old. This is the daycare that we spent alot of time researching before she was born and one that came highly recommended. This is the daycare we spent $300 a week on. What worries me is if it could happen there, then it could happen anywhere.
Here is a picture of Flipper, she has been a real trooper about it.