Wednesday, March 12, 2008

15 Month Update

I took this picture of Ashley while she was watching Shawn walk the dogs out the window. She loves to carry their leashes around and tease them. I can not wait until this kid is big enough to walk them or at least Izzy.
So in all the craziness of the last week and a half, Ashley also had her 15 month checkup. And yes, she is still a squirt! Her height came in at the 50th percentile and her big old head is still in the 75th percentile, but the weight… well let’s just say at 19lbs and 9ozs, she is barely in the 5th percentile.
What does this mean? That Ashley is one active kid who is probably going to be built like her daddy! Oh, and that she still has to sit backwards in the car!!


Grandma said...

She looks so cute watching her daddy and her doggies!

Kimberly said...

Well at least he'll be able to eat Casa pizza and drink beer in college and maybe not gain the freshman 15 like some people i know!