Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pablo Janovich

Well, she may not be Picasso, but this weekend when Grandma Kathy and Aunt Laura were visiting they brought Ashley a big old pumpkin. So, being that she is a tad to young to carve it we decided to let her paint on it. With the help of some washable paints from crayola, here is what you get!


Anonymous said...

Maria, I can't believe how big is Ashley is getting. btw, that is one big pumpkim. Hope she has a good "trick or treat".

Kimberly said...

That pumpkin is bigger than her!!!! I want to see some halloween pics!!!

We had trick-or-treat last night b/c apparently wednesday is a church night.

Grandma said...

No she may not be Picasso, but she created a masterpiece!