Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Let's Go Mountaineers!

I think that Ashley already has the look of a proud mountaineer! This is Ashley's first WVU t-shirt that my best friend Beth's mom bought for her. It is so cute. My friend Spongie has already purchased a WVU sweat suit for her for next football season, I can't wait for her to grow into it!


Kimberly said...

And I have an adorable WVU cheerleading outfit that is ready to be passed down to you! I'll have to get Sophia a new one for this year and we'll have to get pics of them together!

Beth said...

Ashley is too cute in her WVU outfit!!!! She is definitely one of the cutest Mountaineer fans I have ever seen!

Grandma said...

Go Mountaineers! Ashley is all ready for the first big game. Grandma will get you a sippee cup for your first game.