Monday, July 9, 2007

Look at these 2, aren't they cute ? We got back from the beach late last week and I think I need a vacation from my vacation! But, we had a great time. Ashley liked the sand and the ocean, not that she got in very deep!

Ashley also got to meet Sophia, Sophia's mommy Kim and I have been friends for quite awhile now, I guess over 10 years! Let's just hope Ashley and Sophia don't grow up and get into some of the same trouble that their mommies did!!


Kimberly said...

HAHA!!! That picture cracks me up!! What in the heck is Sophie doing to Ashley's head?! I'm sooooo glad that you guys were at the beach the same time!

Grandma said...

I bet they were the cutest two at the beach! Sophia is so funny holding Ashley's head and Ashley is just sitting there.