Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For

ICE CREAM!! Well, everyone knows that Shawn and I are those mean parents who don't let their child have any sweets or fried foods or anything else like that. But, on Memorial Day we decided to stop and get ice cream. So when we got home I put a little bit of my vanilla ice cream from my cone into her little bowl. She seemed to like it... But, these are not the most flattering pictures, this was after we had been to the pool but before the bath!


Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with a little ice cream every once in awhile.
what a cutie Ashley is !


The Kiser's said...

Anna had her first taste of chocolate ice cream this weekend and she loved it.

Look at all those curls!

Anonymous said...

Next time, I do believe sprinkles are needed!!

Grandma said...

A little ice cream is good for you that's what my grandma told me!