Friday, September 14, 2007

Look What Happens.....

when Daddy dresses Ashley for daycare. Yesterday Shawn thought that it was important for Ashley to show her support for the team. But she does look cute in her little shirt. The problem is, when your bed time is at kick off it makes it hard to stay up and cheer for your team!


Anonymous said...

Love the shirt. Kevin also thinks it is very important that Anna wear her WVU t-shirt on game days. The problem is I don't have any pants that match gold or blue.

Enjoy your weekend!


Beth said...

Love the shirt!!!! Looks like you have a future Mountaineer on your hands!

Grandma said...

Daddy is teaching Ashley well right from the always wear your shirt on game day!

Kimberly said...'s definitely a MUST! The bad thing is that last Friday there was a kid in a marshall outfit and i found myself wanting to boo the kid! HOW BAD IS THAT! Cause they were just asking for that kid to get picked on!