Friday, April 11, 2008

Caged Animal

Ashley would absolutely love it if we let her hang out in Izzy's cage. She is always over there playing with the door opening and shutting it, trying to climb in and out of the cage. Here you can see she locked her book in the cage, possibly for bad behavior? Who knows, but I am amazed at what kids find interesting!


Grandma said...

Ashley, grandma has lots and lots of cages you can play with at her house when you come to visit so brings lots of stuff to lock in the cages....daddy & aunt Laura use to play in the cages too...maybe you can lock them in the cages. What you think?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Ashley can come live with me and train Dudley to like his cage ... she can keep a watch on him!

Kimberly said...

Wait until she's 2! You'll be wanting to put her in there!