Tuesday, April 17, 2007


On Saturday, since it was absolutely freezing and yucky out Shawn and I decided to go to Starbucks to sit, relax and have a coffee while we were out doing some other errands. As soon as we walked in and sat down Ashley was out for the count, I had to grab a picture because she just looks so cute, she loves her new little monkey that she got for Easter.


Kimberly said...

She looks so cozy!! That monkey is almost as long as her! I wish Sophie would still conk out like that sometimes!!

Grandma said...

I guess Ashley must not be like her mommy or aunt Laura when it comes to Starbucks...since she took a siesta there. I love the monkey!

Wendy said...

How sweet. My oldest loved her monkey when she was little. I used to go to starbucks with a firend of mine, our kids were the same age. We would push strollers over there, especially on cool brisk days, and sat there for an hour or two chatting with each other. IT was one of my favorite times!!