Thursday, April 19, 2007

Way To Early

So in the mornings, I get up at 5:15am so that I can feed Ashley, get ready and try to get out the door by 6:30 so that I can beat the traffic going into the city and be at work by 7:00. The bad thing with DC is that even though I only live 5 miles from work, if I wait and leave the house at 7:00 or 7:30 it would take me close to 1 hour on most days to get to work. That is just insane. The old days of metro riding are over for now, since I have to pick Ashley up at daycare after work.

The other morning I was tired and trying to poor my coffee into my travel mug, get bottles ready and not step on one of the dogs and just feeling in a bad mood all around, until I looked over and saw Ashley smiling that big smile of hers watching me get everything ready, that smile of hers instantly put me in a good mood!

I am a little nervous though, she is always so happy in the mornings I think we are raising a .... dreaded.... MORNING PERSON! Now Shawn and I are clearly not morning people so this should be interesting!!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

There is nothing like a baby's smile to make everything right in your world! I wasn't a morning person either, but somehow you become one when you have kids...they use to wait on Saturdays for me to open one eye and then we were off to McDonalds for pancakes or Mister Donut for vanilla angels.