Friday, June 8, 2007

The Big Weigh In

Last night was Ashley's 6 month check up. Well the verdict is in, she is still a little squirt, but she is moving up in the percentiles. She weighs in at 13lbs 14oz and she is 25 1/4 inches long. So, I think it is safe to say that Ashley is going to be quite a petite little thing. Anyways, we also got a little surprise while we were there, her first little tooth has just popped through. You can barely see it, but it is there. We also got the green light to start baby food. So tonight, we are going to have to pick which yummy veggie to try first!

I took this picture last weekend, when the air conditioner was broken and we had no high chair. We had to do everything in the basement b/c the rest of the house was 1,000 degrees! So trying to feed her cereal on my lap was quite interesting to say the least!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

She may be a little squirt, but she is the cutest little squirt I know! I know daddy won't want to feed her green beans or peas that's for sure! Believe it or not her daddy's favorite was beets! I love the cereal all over her belly...moms adapt to whatever, that's why we are called moms.