Thursday, June 28, 2007

Water Baby

Ashley had a very good time on Monday night at her first waterbabies class. The only complaint I had was that the water was so cold! How on earth an indoor pool could be that cold and it was 95degrees outside, but I digress!


Anonymous said...

Im disappointed the whole fam doesn't have matching swim wear ;-) Ashley is going to be swimming laps in no time! You better plan to move south and put a pool in the backyard so she can be a true water baby!

Kimberly said...

YAY! I'm glad she had fun! Our pool was freezing cold too...strange. Oh and I love her bathing suit...that sucker sold out in the 18 month size :(
See ya in a few days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grandma said...

I love the bathing suit, she looks so cute!