Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

A Little Late! Yesterday we had a wonderful mothers day. Ashley did quite a good job of planning a special day for me :) We went to a park here in Arlington where you are right under all of the planes taking off at the airport. It is amazing how low they fly in.

Anyways, yesterday morning started with breakfast in bed, a 4 mile walk with the whole family (furry members also) and then our picnic. I couldn't have asked for a better 1st mother's day!


Grandma said...

Well sounds like my little grandaughter did very well for her first Mother's Day with her mommy! The traditions, the memories are what make a family so special, I love you all.

Kimberly said...

I'm glad you had a fabulous 1st mother's day. I'm an old pro now with 2 under my belt! HAHA!