....DOG! I don't think that is how that song goes, but hey we all know that I don't listen to country music and there is actually nothing I hate more than country music. So at our house the song will go, like this. Ashley is always so worried about what the dogs are doing, I am just waiting for the day that I come in and Ashley is riding around on Savannah and Daddy is not holding on!
Thank goodness that Savannah is so easy going, not all dogs who suddenly get a new baby at home, at the age of 8 years old would be so agreeable.
I like how Izzy is walking beside them like she is Ashley's security detail. Now we all know that Izzy was really just jealous that she is to small for Ashley to ride on.
TOO FUNNY!!! Sophie rides Oscar like a horse all of them time but sometimes he just won't have it and he gets up and walks away. I can't believe that Savannah is 8!!!
I love the smile on Ashley's face, she is loving the ride and Savannah is just "oh well." Tell Izzy not to worry and feel left out, Tigger will ride on her back the next time you are home!
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