Friday, August 17, 2007


A couple of weekends ago my Aunt Libby and Uncle Mike were kind enough to come over and watch Ashley so that Shawn and I could go out for our anniversary. This was the first time that we have left Ashley anywhere but with my mom or at daycare. Everyone did great and Shawn and I had a nice time getting out. I felt bad b/c that day she refused to take an afternoon nap, but they swore she was not cranky and did just fine... maybe they were just being nice!


Kimberly said...

You mean Libby knew what to do with a girl! HAHA! Glad you guys got to have a night out.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Ashley is holding out on all cranky moods until the terrible two's! Or if she is like her Aunt Laura, she will NEVER be moody!

Grandma said...

Good one Aunt Laura...but I still love you! She didn't want to take a nap because she was all excited that her great aunt and uncle were coming to stay with her.