Monday, August 20, 2007

Our Weekend

This weekend my mom and aunt came to stay with Ashley and I since Shawn went to NY to see a Yankee game. Well, Ashley had quite a good time shopping with the girls. Her grammy and aunt Nina bought her some nice new things for fall and she loved getting all that extra attention.


Kimberly said...

Girls weekends are the best! And how many new purses did Grammy and Aunt Nina buy?

Anonymous said...

It looks like the four-legged daughters enjoyed the company as well! Oh just wait soon Ashley will want to come home from shopping and have a fashion show for everyone! That was always the highlight of my shopping trip ... Shawn never understood why that was fun for me ... just wait!!!

Grandma said...

Oh Ashley you can have lots of fashion shows for Aunt Laura...I do remember them it was yesterday.