Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Like Mother

like daughter! Ashley loves her Elmo purse. Beth got it for her and she loves to carry it around. And she also spends alot of time on the cookie monster cell phone that came inside of it. She just gabs away saying who knows what, and I always wonder who she is pretendng to talk to. You hear lots of sounds that make no sense to us and then a "no" or a "girls". (I guess Ashley picked up girls b/c Shawn and I call the dogs girls when we are speaking about or to both of them)

And lastly, her favorite thing to try and play with... Daddy's blackberry. I guess they really are crackberries b/c Ashley is addicted to trying to get it away from him and pushing all the buttons!


Beth said...

I am glad Ashley likes the purse! I just couldn't resist buying it for her. I figured "Like Mother, like daughter!"

Anonymous said...

get the gal some high heels and she is set for some serious shopping!

Kimberly said...

Almost like "mother" that is if it had a big COACH label on there, hahaha!

Grandma said...

Ashley must take after her mommy & aunt Laura when it comes to purses! It won't be long till she will be shopping with the big girls.