Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day Fun

Happy Valentine's Day! Last night we had to get all of the Valentine's addressed and the treat for her class prepared. Let me tell you that a 1 year old isn't super helpful with these tasks.
But today is her class party and even though I can't stop by b/c of a meeting at work I shouldn't miss, Shawn is going to go by and check out the festivities and also make sure no one tries to give my kid any chocolate or candy..... I wouldn't want to be them if that happens. We have a no junk food policy at our house.


Anonymous said...

Love to do. She looks so big!

Anonymous said...

I love that picture!! She is no baby anymore! I think she is going to win over many hearts!

Grandma said...

I love the dress and the have a Sophie do! Your smile just warms grandma's heart..I love you to the moon and back.